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HomeModel Casting Calls and Auditions

Model Casting Calls & Acting Auditions

Find the latest Modelling Casting Calls on Project Casting.

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  • Modeling

Now Casting!

2 Male Models for a Pop Music Video in Atlanta!
(21-35, Caucasian or African American, Physically fit, heavily tattooed)

Photographer @zoes_photo
Stylist @mariahmorayawalker
Casting @cast_inc_nyc
Shoot Date 17-18 July 2021
Location New York City | On location
Project Playtime NYC Exhibition Space

Talent (No Agency repped Kids Please)

  • Ages 6-12
  • Boy & Girls & Non-Binary Welcome!
  • Looking for real kids – All kids welcome. Adaptive kids, wheelchairs, etc.
  • Any size, any height, any ethnicity, transgender, etc.
  • Must be local to NYC or Tri-State area.
Children will be sent a portrait as a Thank You for participating!

We will shoot in Manhattan – portraits will only take 15-20 minutes total per child.

Portraits will be printed on fabric and displayed in an art space.
Job Type:
CASTING CALLfor a Skin Care brand!

Women aged between 30-55…. Natural good looks, great hands, nails & teeth.
We need to find confident, happy women (talent will need to portray relaxation and calm energy, good sense of humour (rather than overly big smiles and laughs).

The campaign is for a brand of skincare products (in particular body scrubs & body milk etc), so we need good skin and good hands. *You may be shot PRETENDING to be in the bath (you will NOT be asked to shoot topless or bottomless etc).

The fee is £1,200= per day for 1 or 2 days between July 26th & August 2nd in central London.

The images will be for Global online use only, for 2 years.

Las Vegas, NV (Must work as local, travel not covered)

Acumatica Conference at the Wynn, female trade show model needed.

Accounting Software Vendors Conference
  • Sunday, July 18, 2021 • 5:00PM to 8:00PM (100.00)
  • Monday, July 19, 2021 • 7:00AM to 5:00PM (250.00)
  • Tuesday, July 20, 2021 • 7:00AM to 4:30PM (250.00)
Total compensation is 600.00, plus parking will be covered.

There will be breaks, of course. Lunch, coffee, etc. will be provided.

Dress Attire:
Client will provide polo shirts. It is a business conference, so smart skirt/pants work fine.

Job Duties:
The task is to help bring people to the client’s booth, hand out little koalas and if people have questions, introduce them to the client.

GENUINE is looking for Business Owners in the Los Angeles area to be featured in a photoshoot.

We are seeking businesses of all kinds.

Those selected will be paid $1,500/per person plus a one-time $1,000 location payment for their business’s location.


Orlando, FL Casting Call
Paradym group needs two promo atmosphere models for a short event in Orlando on Thursday July 15, 2021. Red or blonde hair preferred.
  • What: NCC promo event
  • Date: Thursday July 15, 2021
  • Location: Corona Cigar & Lounge, Orlando, FL – (must be local)
  • Hours: 7:45PM – 10:00PM
  • Rate: $50.00 per hour

Casting Call

Trigger Casting is Loooking for individuals (ages 18-40 years) and families with teens for a wonderful project that shoots sometime between July 20-22.

If you are looking for a fun day of acting/modeling and want to make $800, apply now.

Paradym group needs 1 more female spokesmodel to work the below tradeshow.

DATE: Friday July 16,2021
LOCATION: Orlando World Marriott
HOURS: 10:00AM – 4:00PM (could change slightly)
RATE: $40 per hour – minus 20% agency fee.

  • Greet, engage potential consumers and lead generation. Wardrobe; Professional Trendy. )Skirt and Blouse. Heels)

You Would Film Your Day To Day Throughout The Good, The Bad The Ugly and Your Surroundings On Your Phone Like A Vlog But You Would Film It Landscape, You Would Be Filming For A Period Of Two Months And Every Week You will Submit Your Footage So It Can Go To Our Post Production Team After The Two Months We Will Zoom You To Film Your Confessionals. This Is An Unpaid Experience But You May Get A Following From This.

If You Would Like To Be Apart Of This Docu – Series Please Send In A Submissions Video All About You, Your Name Your Age Were Your From Etc. For Our Casting Team To Process You.

Five Peaks Film Studio seeking actresses/models 18-40, for tickle-themed short films (comedy/drama/action/scif-fi/horror genres), in Tampa, FL area.

Those cast will also be considered for feature film opportunity currently in development. 

$200 per day, if cast. 


Candidates must be fit (height and weight proportionate).
Please send resume, with attached headshot and full body shot (or URL links to your online portfolio) to [email protected] no later than July 22nd, 2021 for consideration.
NOTE: No nudity, so please do not submit nude photos.
Auditions will be held in Pinellas Park, FL on July 24th, 2021 from noon to 4pm. Venue address to be given to accepted candidates. 

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